Make Music Madison

2024 Listings: Friday, June 21st

Tory World Music

Tory World SINGER-SONGWRITER Tory World is a songwriter/recording artist with a diverse musical sound pallet. He likes to refer to his music as "genre agnostic". His newest release is a retrospective album called, "Diaries of a Nihilist" and features music from 1994-2019. This collection is 50 diverse songs that range from Alt-Rock to Punk-Funk, the Blues, Hard Rock, Metal, and New Wave. Tory has been making music since the mid 90's. He is also a studio engineer and has worked at studios in New Orleans, Seattle, and his native Madison, Wisconsin. A multi-timbrel musician, most of Tory's music is recorded solo. However, he has collaborated with other artists and musicians such as Barbie Anaka, Devon Lowe, Matt Nauman, and Vanessa Anderson, who is also his little sister. "Diaries of a Nihilist" is a combination of 5 albums and a couple of old tape demos. Although a multi-timbrel musician, Tory's music ability really shines with his guitar work. The decision to release this retrospective

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